Sandalwood Glow Sensual Candle

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Awaken your senses and ignite the flame of passion with the Kamasutra Sandalwood Massage Candle! Transform any night into an unforgettable sensory journey with this unique candle that combines exotic fragrance, revitalizing oils, and the promise of unparalleled intimate moments. Picture a room bathed in the warm glow of this special candle. Its sandalwood scent will transport you to a world of sensations, setting the stage for a sensual and relaxing massage that nourishes the skin and enhances the connection with your partner. Turn routine into a pleasure ritual: light the candle, let the oil melt, and immerse yourself in a sea of sensations. With its formula enriched with coconut oil, shea butter, and vitamin E, every caress becomes a gift for the skin and the senses. Discover the art of massage with the Kamasutra Sandalwood Massage Candle, enjoy up to 35 hours of burn time, and multiple opportunities to explore passion as a couple. Let the intoxicating aroma and the smoothness of the oil guide you on a journey towards pleasure and intimacy. Ignite the spark and immerse yourself in a sea of sensations with Kamasutra!



Sandalwood Glow Sensual Candle: Description

KAMASUTRA SANDALWOOD MASSAGE CANDLE is the perfect complement for an intimate evening full of sensuality and passion. Turn a simple massage into an unforgettable experience, where the senses awaken and desire ignites.

Imagine a warm and inviting atmosphere, illuminated by the soft light of this Kamasutra massage candle with Sandalwood fragrance. An exotic scent that will fill the room and awaken your senses, preparing you for a unique moment of connection with your partner.

The candle transforms into a warm and silky oil when burned, ready to be poured onto the skin to provide a sensual and relaxing massage. Its exclusive formula combines coconut oil to revitalize the skin, shea butter to deeply nourish it, and vitamin E for intense hydration.

How to use the Kamasutra massage candle:

  • Light the wick and let the candle burn for about twenty minutes to melt the oil.
  • Use the included spoon to pour the warm oil onto your partner's skin.
  • Enjoy a sensual massage, gently sliding your hands and letting the fragrance intoxicate the atmosphere.

Benefits of the Kamasutra massage candle:

In addition to creating an intimate and romantic environment, the Kamasutra massage candle is ideal for stimulating the senses, relaxing the body, and igniting passion in a couple. With 170 grams of content, you will enjoy up to 35 hours of burning time, providing you with multiple opportunities to explore new sensations and enjoy special moments together.

Discover the pleasure of sharing a unique and sensory massage with the Kamasutra Sandalwood massage candle. Ignite the spark of passion and let yourself be carried away by sensuality in every movement, in every aroma, in every moment.

Additional Product Details Sandalwood Glow Sensual Candle

  • Article maker Sandalwood Glow Sensual Candle KAMASUTRA COSMETICS.
  • This product measured as 54 mm high, measures 80 mm width, y como largo mide 80 mm.
  • This product weighs 235 grams in total.

The KAMASUTRA COSMETICS brand is responsible for manufacturing the product Sandalwood Glow Sensual Candle . Your guarantee involves making proper use of the article in question.

Buy Sandalwood Glow Sensual Candle

The Sandalwood Glow Sensual Candle product has an incredible price of $18.35.
This product is made by the erotic toys brand KAMASUTRA COSMETICS

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More Information about Sandalwood Glow Sensual Candle
For HerYes
For HimYes
Height (mm)54
Weight (gr)235
Width (mm)80
Length (mm)80
With FragranceYes
EAN Code739122102261

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