RoseLuxe Pump

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Dive into an oasis of calm and pleasure with the exquisite TALOKA BATH BOMB. With a scent of fresh roses and rose petals, this perfumed sphere softens, tones, and hydrates your skin, leaving it radiant and silky. Transform your bathtub into a personal spa and enjoy a luxurious and relaxing experience. Choose from its 6 scents and let yourself be enveloped by the sweet, caramelized perfume that will stimulate your senses. Discover the power of aromatherapy and turn your bath into a wellness ritual with the irresistible TALOKA BATH BOMB.

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RoseLuxe Pump: Description


Immerse yourself in a luxurious and relaxing bath with the exquisite TALOKA BATH BOMB with a fresh rose scent and rose petals. This perfumed sphere with softening and rejuvenating properties will transform your bath into an oasis of calm and pleasure. Dive in and let yourself be enveloped by its sweet and caramelized notes that will stimulate your senses and your skin.


  • Perfumes and softens your skin with its fresh rose scent and delicate fragrance of freshly cut roses.
  • Provides a luxurious and relaxing bath experience, turning your tub into a personal spa.
  • Softens, tones, and hydrates the skin, leaving it radiant and silky.
  • Reduces stress, sleep difficulties, and anxiety, thanks to its soothing aromatherapy effect.

This 140-gram bath bomb is perfect for tubs of any size, its fresh rose scent lingers in the air and envelops you in an atmosphere of calm and sophistication. Furthermore, its softening and toning properties will leave your skin smooth and hydrated, creating a feeling of well-being and sensuality.


  • Fill your bathtub with hot water.
  • Drop the bath bomb sphere into the water.
  • Enjoy the effervescent rose scent and let its softening properties work on your skin.

Choose from the 6 available scents and enjoy a unique and personalized bath experience. The soft, floral, fruity, sweet, and classic fragrances will transport you to a world of sensations and pleasure, perfect for enjoying in your shower, bath, or home spa moment.

Discover the power of aromatherapy with the rose scent of TALOKA BATH BOMB. Relax, disconnect, and recharge energy with each bath, while the floral, sweet, and diffused aroma of roses transports you to a state of calm and balance.

Don't wait any longer and turn your bath into a ritual of well-being and relaxation with TALOKA BATH BOMB. Enjoy the softness of roses and let their elegance and freshness fill your space with an unforgettable aroma.

Additional Product Details RoseLuxe Pump

  • The TALOKA brand has manufactured the product RoseLuxe Pump .
  • This item weighs a total of 142 grammes.

You have to use the product RoseLuxe Pump as it is written in their instructions. Thus in case of failure the TALOKA brand will take care of the warranty.

Buy RoseLuxe Pump

$8.27 is the price of the item RoseLuxe Pump. Take advantage of this offer and buy it now!
This product is made by the erotic toys brand TALOKA

Remember that the toys of the manufacturer TALOKA are discreetly delivered in 3/4 days as they are packaged in neutral brown boxes with no kind of advertising on them. Nobody will know where the package comes from. Your privacy is our commitment.

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More Information about RoseLuxe Pump
Weight (gr)142

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